
Showing posts from July, 2019

Grandma's House Thank Goodness Card

   Hello crafty people! Each month I get to present a stamp set on my team leader's page as part of her design team, and this month it was Grandma's House. I really love this stamp set as I just very recently became a grandma myself. I really wished my grandmother was still alive so I could send her all the cards I made. I will be showing all the designs I made over the next couple weeks. So let's get on with today's card.....

Beauty Abounds Watercolor Thank You Card

   Welcome everyone! Did you have a good weekend??? Since I am on vacation my family (there are 17 of us!) all went up the Palm Springs Tram on Saturday. I haven't been on it since I was 10 so it was fun to experience it again. At the top most of us walked the trails and then had a wonderful family picnic. Sunday...I WAS SORE!!! It took forever for me to get out of bed as everything hurt, especially my calves. I'm getting cramps in them every time I walk. I'm taking it nice and slow for a couple of days! On to today's card.....

Love You To Pieces Love Card - CASE the Catalog Friday on Saturday

   Hello crafty people! Ever have one of those days where you think it is one day and it turns out to be a different day??? I know we left on vacation Thursday, but for some reason it didn't dawn on me that this post was meant for yesterday (Friday) until it was Friday afternoon so I decided just to have it go up today. Oh long as I still get it on my blog it can be a day later then usual. Here is my card for my CASE the Catalog Friday on Saturday.....

Bloom & Grow Simply Wonderful Stampin' Blends Card

   Hello crafty people! I have been working up a storm getting ready to leave for Cali this week. I can't wait to see my nieces and nephew again along with all my other family members. I usually don't pack until the day before we leave after I do laundry. Do you have any fun plans for what is left of Summer? I hope you are finding some time to craft too. Here is today's card.....

Beauty Abounds Butterfly Friend Card

   Welcome back to my blog crafty people! Did you have a good weekend? I was happy as I got a lot done that I wanted to get done before we leave on vacation. Now comes the fun part.....packing. I usually don't take a lot of clothes as we stay at my parents house so I have access to a washer and dryer, but I am taking some craft stuff with me to get ahead on projects. Do you take anything special with you when you go on a vacation? Let's get on to today's card.....

Love You to Pieces Missing Piece Love Card

     Hi everyone! This post was supposed to go up last Thursday, but for some strange reason it didn't so I thought I would just post it today for you. Believe it or not, but this is the first time I have used this stamp set and dies and I have had it since June of last year. I just never had a chance and I could never come up with a design that I liked with it. Do you have craft supplies like this too??? Well, I am going to challenge you to get it out and do something with it like I did with this stamp and die set. Here is my card.....

Good Morning Magnolia Friend Card - CASE the Catalog Friday

   Hello crafty people! Are you ready for the weekend? I'm spending it working on projects to post here on my blog for you while I'm on vacation so you can still be inspired while I'm not in my craft room. Talking about inspiring you, I am starting something new on Fridays and it is called CASE the Catalog Friday. Each and every Friday I am going to pick a project in one of the current catalogs and put my twist on it so it can inspire you to look at the catalogs as not only a book with amazing items to purchase, but also as an idea book as well. Today for you I have my first project and here it is..... Here is pg 156 from the 2019-2020 Annual Catalog      Above is the item I CASE'd. A lot people don't know what CASE means and in fact it has several interpretations, but the one I am using is Copy And Slightly Edit. The pic from the catalog is of the Acetate Boxes with a belly band around it with cards inside, but I wanted to make a card using the same de...

Bloom & Grow Thank You Card with Stampin' Blends

   Welcome back crafty people! Where I live we are experiencing a little heat wave right now and at night when we would normally dip down into the low 60's right now we are barely getting out of the 70's so it is making it hard to sleep at night. My husband and I both like it cold to sleep and the last thing I want to do while sleeping is sweat. I hope this passes by fast but I think there is just another high pressure on it's way. Oh well. Lets get onto today's card.....

Parcels & Petals Watercolor All Occasions Card

   Hello crafty people! Did you have a good weekend??? Besides getting some necessary cleaning done, mine was pretty quiet. We are going on vacation soon so I have been working extra to get projects done so that I have something going up on my blog while we are gone. Plus while we are gone the new Holiday catalog will be released to demos who will get to preorder in August! I can't wait. On to today's card.....

Royal Peacock Congratulations Card

   Hello everyone! How is your day going so far? For the last couple of days I have been cleaning my house as much as I am able. I just feel better when I can walk into a room and and not be stressed by the way it looks. I normally do a little better in the summer with my pain, but my neck has been hurting more. It's a constant struggle in my life. On to today's project.....

Little Elephant Thank You Kindness Card

   Hey crafty people! Sorry I did not post yesterday, but Sunday night I just didn't get any sleep. I just kept waking up every half hour for some reason, so I was extremely tired on Monday and couldn't get my brain to work on making anything. Don't you hate days like this? Well, I got a little better sleep Monday night so I could get my card done for you today. Here is my card.....      Do you ever start a project with an idea in your head and by the time you are done it looks nothing like what you had planned??? That was definitely this card! I wanted to make a vertical card, but discovered it looked so much better as a horizontal one. Then I picked the stamp set and the three ink pads I wanted to fact these aren't the original three I had chosen! I think the only thing on this card that was part of the original idea is the two elephants facing each other.      I used my Stamparatus tool to stamp the background alternating...